Started in Martial Arts in 1977 Started practicing Kung Fu where he graduated black belt. Specialized in the following Kung Fu styles

Wing Chun Tao Kiun
Wing Chun Kung Fu Sisten
Chuan Tã Ísso Tsaí Kung Fu Tã Tao Lu
Courses that have
Instructor Training Course
Specialization Course (Teacher)
Kung Fu Kuo Shu Arbitration Course held at U.N.K Jundiaí-SP
Wu Shu Combat Arbitration Course, held at A. Shao Lin of Kung Fu SP
Official Teacher Qualification Course
Performed by the Paulista Federation of Kung Fu and Brazilian Confederation of Kung Fu where he studied: General Theory of Chinese Martial Art – Chinese Martial Art Teaching Methodology – Applied Exercise Physiology, Basic and High Level Specific Physical Conditioning – Basic Anatomy, Chinese Martial Arts for Children – Chinese Language in Martial Practice – Conversation and Writing in Mandarin and Cantonese – Applied Chinese Philosophy – First Aid, Eastern and Western Vision (USP), etc.
He has held several demonstrations, Courses and Lectures in the main organizations of Martial Arts Chinese, Japanese and Korean. He served as Technical Director in the Paulista Federation of Kumitê, Consultant and Technical Director of the Brazilian Federation of Kumitê of the Federal District, Vice President of the Brazilian Confederation of Kumitê Official Entity of Administration of the Martial Arts (constituted by federal law 8,672 / 93), Secretary General of the State Union of Instructors of Sports Academies and Associations. He is currently President of A.G.K.F Wu Shu of Brazil. Responsible for the courses of training and graduation of Instructors and Specialization (Teachers) of the Faculty of A.G.K.F
Bachelor in Theology & Philosophy
Full Professor in Systematic Theology:
Course by Extension and Bachelor in the areas of Pneumatology, Christology, Angelology among other subjects with Ancient History and Geography of the Ancient World
Registered in the Regional Council of Physical Education CREF4 / SP SP-016653
He is a Computer Technician in the area of assembly and maintenance Micro Computers (Hardware and Software)
CFK Teacher (Faculty Training Course) and AGKF Specialization teaches Sports Administration, Ethics (Western and Eastern), Philosophy, Basic Notions in Anatomy, Kinesiology and Biomechanics, Applied Physical Education, Chinese Language Technical Terminology Conversation and Writing – (Dialects in Mandarin and Cantonese)
Current Residence:
Orleans – France
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